Terminator 2: Judegment Day, commonly abbreviated T2, is a 1991 science fiction action film directed, co-written, and co-produced by James Cameron and starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Edward Furlong, and Robert Patrick. A sequel to 1984's The Terminator, it follows the characters of Sarah Connor (Hamilton, reprising her role from the original film) and her son John (Furlong) as they are pursued by a new, more advanced Terminator, the T-1000 (Patrick). Schwarzenegger reprises his role as the Terminator, but while the character was the antagonist of the first film, in Terminator 2 he is a protagonist, defending John and Sarah from the T-1000 and assisting them in their attempt to prevent Judgment Day, a future event in which machines will begin to exterminate humanity.
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